Friday, June 23, 2006

Sympathy For The Devil


Ryan Power said...

Kells man!! this is a great rendition of society's depravity, and how the devil or demon is no longer interested in corruption, because in this day and age, everyone is BAD!!!!
Love the use of Wendling inspired angles and curves too, Good body language!!!
-signed REON POWER

Ryan Bullard said...

Haha these are sweet Kelly!

Ken Chandler said...

Hey kid! I wouldn't do that if I were you! It's like giving a viper a piggy back ride. Sure to be a pain in the neck, and the last thing you ever do!

Beautifully rendered Kelly! Love the expression and body language.

Kelly Conley said...

Thanks for all the support guys!

Juanma said...

El diablo seems to be bored in contrast to little damian`s lollypop happiness.
why is that hahaha
great drawing the desings are great.
u know it`s funny I drew a little comic of damian two weeks ago too.

Miggles said...

AHHH you talented bastard! That is one forlorn looking devil. Very very nice. Ha your Reaper kinda makes me laugh - I don't think I've ever seen anyone try to portray fear in a character without eyebrows or eyeballs! I totally would have added them, just cause I cheat like that. And like someone said to me about my work, you could push the pose a bit more. Very exelent stuff though - I hate you and your glorious colour styling. Jerk. (you, me. Drawing. Now... or perhaps in the next two weeks. Trying to organize a group to go to the zoo.)Ta for now Kelly! Keep showing us that you're awesome!

madmounty said...

thanks man i know, you should come up with your samurai monkey!

rngnt99 said...

Awesome Illustration!!!!!

Jeremy Macedo said...

j'aime bien cette illustration le ton rouge et ton diable deprimé est trés chouette

Patrick said...

Wow, I love it!