Thursday, November 02, 2006

Playing Catch Up...

Hey! More random doodles! What a complete and utter surprise!!!


Anonymous said...

Haven't seen most of these before. That's a neat wolfman design.

/////Nora Sermez///// said...
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/////Nora Sermez///// said...

YAY! youre back, i thought you were dead...

Its nice to see that youve resurrected and brought back new stuff and tis looking good! im lovin the caricatures. good work dude, please dont die on us again!

Miggles said...

I'm in love with the hair on the guy in the plaid shirt. I hear you're getting good Kelly.......too good. You gotta stop plotting world domination man.

Kelly Conley said...

Thanks for the kind words, ladies.

Lubomir said...

Oh my what a bigshot with the ladies...Nice stuff Kelly, are these from the sketch jams? I feel a strange affinity with the bat-man with the big nose.

Anonymous said...

Wowza! Just when I was about to give up on this blog, you post a crapload of great stuff! A "tubb-o-goodthings" as it were. I lve the beast wolf guy and the drunk for the earlier post. Yes I do.

Unknown said...

awesome character drawings! neato design!

Patty said...

They're awesome Kels. Hope to see more of them. :)

Salma said...

k seriously, where did these updates come from? there's like.. a thousand all of a sudden.

i'm unsettled.

good stuff yo