Saturday, May 17, 2008


This little villain is my first attempt playing around with Painter. I want to finish him off a bit, but right now I'm starting to get a bit finicky with him so I have to get him off my desktop for a while and go work on something else. Any comments or tips about this painting or Painter would be gladly accepted. This means you, T-Bone.


CaveMatt said...

Jeezum Crow Kelly! That's lookin' pretty damn sawesome. I like how he's mostly fading into the background but you kept the eyes pretty sharp. Great paintin.

Miggles said...

Ah for frack sake kelly. WHAT is that. Thats disgusting! You talented bastard.
*chuckels* Okay, all insults aside, thats pretty awesome! I look forward to seeing what you come up with at the wednesday sketch! Thanks for the pat on the head over at my blog!

Lubomir said...

Kelly that's amazing man! Looking forward to more paintings!

Joseph Lee said...

Love the look to the character man! Very cool!

Mike Yamada said...

great! Colors are amazing!

victoriaying said...

ooo Spooky Scary Vampire!

Ryan Bullard said...

Whoa! Lookit at all the stuffs! Nothing for an age, then all of a sudden, shit-loads of fun times! I think you shoulb be giving me tips on painter buddah!

Lorraine A D Alvarez said...

Love the rendering in this! Good job!


Great works, my friend! i love your characters design ^_^
Best wishes from Argentina.

Ryan van der Draaij said...

Kelly, your stuff is kick-ass as usual. Where do you find time for such finished pieces, yo!?

Missy said...

I love painter. Wish I had more time for it though. I'd keep it up, the program obviously agrees with you :)

Epistrophie said...

Goodness gracious. Very nice.

Yes, very.

Patty said...

He's pretty sexy. Awesome stuff.